Municipal Law

Municipal subdivisions and authorities on all levels face difficult legal issues in every service they provide to their communities.

Sugarman Law Firm attorneys regularly represent counties, cities, towns, villages, and agencies facing a broad range of legal challenges.

Over the years, Sugarman Law Firm has handled legal disputes in tax assessment cases, property and casualty losses, police and sheriff liability cases, zoning litigation, and all types of 42 U.S.C. 1983 claims. We have also defended municipalities against employment discrimination and wage and hour claims. We regularly defend municipalities and school districts against negligence claims, including highway and road design defect claims, and negligent supervision claims.

Because of their years of experience, the attorneys at Sugarman Law Firm are familiar with the particular legal principles and procedural rules that apply to municipal subdivisions and authorities.

Our Clients have included elected officials, mayors, city and town counselors, town supervisors, town boards, civil servants at state and local levels, sheriff’s departments, town police officials,  zoning officers, school boards, school administrators, and teachers

Civil Rights Litigation

Claims asserting a federal constitutional right or state constitutional right require careful analysis by our attorneys. The actions of governmental entities often raise claims in the sphere of police and fire officials in protecting the public. We also see a rise of claims being asserted in response to municipal officials enforcing state and local laws. All these claims raise numerous issues and defenses that are often unique to each case, and call on solid municipal backgrounds. Sugarman Law Firm has handled claims of excessive force, false arrests, improper denial of medical care, improper taking of property, and unequal enforcement of laws. The department has also handled matters involving the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Rehabilitation Act.

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School Claims

The educational system continues to be an area of extensive legal scrutiny. Sugarman Law Firm has successfully defended schools throughout New York State in both trial level and appellate courts.

Schools face constant challenges to the services that they provide. Sugarman Law Firm has handled claims arising from all aspects of a child’s school day – from accidents in the class room or in gym class, to incidents that happen during field trips. These claims are often based upon issues of planning, supervision, instruction, or unfortunate circumstances which arise during the day causing injury. Often, the mere fact someone suffered an unfortunate injury does not mean the municipal school board is liable. Our work in this field includes an investigation as to how and why an accident occurs, and whether the school board and its officials are potentially liable. The defenses are numerous and experience in the field gives Sugarman Law Firm the ability to evaluate and defend school boards, administration officials, and teachers.

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Zoning and Land Use

The municipal government of the State of New York plays a significant role in the use of municipal property.  Often, decisions by a zoning officer of a town or city board impact upon municipal property owners.  The impacted party often raises claims of improper treatment, claims of the taking of their property, or the prevention of the proper use of their property. Unfortunately, these matters often end up in court. 

Sugarman Law Firm has handled claims that municipal officials were impermissibly interpreting laws, enforcing laws unevenly, or simply failing to apply the correct law.  These cases require an analysis of the particular facts of each matter. The experienced staff at Sugarman Law Firm has handled matters at the local, state, and federal levels dealing with land usage.  Often, these matters are brought about by what is called an “Article 78” proceeding, which seeks to compel a state official to act.  Our firm has handled numerous such cases with outcomes that protect the rights of the municipal entities in the community.  Claims have included actions to compel an official to issue a building permit, to enforce a zoning or use regulation, or to address zoning board actions.  Defense of these matters often requires proof that an official did not improperly consider state and/or local laws.

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Paul V. Mullin, Esq.

Dan T. Cavarello, Esq.

Jenna W. Klucsik, Esq.



Proud Supporter of Make-A-Wish
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