Brittany L. Hannah, Esq.

Brittany L. Hannah, Esq.

Partner, Syracuse

Brittany (Murgallis) Hannah has been with Sugarman Law Firm, LLP since 2014. She is a 2015 graduate of Syracuse University College of Law (J.D., cum laude) and a 2012 graduate of King’s College (B.S. Marketing and Business Administration, magna cum laude). Ms. Hannah is admitted to practice law in New York State, the U.S. District Courts for the Northern and Western Districts of New York, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

Ms. Hannah was selected to the Super Lawyers Upstate New York 2020-2023 Rising Stars list for Personal Injury General: Defense.

Ms. Hannah is a member of the Central New York Women’s Bar Association (CNYWBA), Onondaga County Bar Association, Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY), Defense Research Institute (DRI), New York State Bar Association, Northern District of New York Federal Court Bar Association, and New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers. 

She has served as CNYWBA’s Secretary since June 2021 and previously served as Treasurer from 2019-2021, Membership Chair from 2018-2019, and as a WBASNY Representative from 2017-2018. Ms. Hannah served as one of WBASNY’s elected Vice Presidents for 2022-2023, after serving as WBASNY’s Corresponding Secretary for 2021-2022.  Ms. Hannah serves on the Volunteer Lawyers Project of CNY, Inc.’s Board of Directors.  She also serves on DRI’s Governmental Liability Committee’s Steering Committee.  She previously served on DRI’s Trucking Law Committee’s Steering Committee.  Ms. Hannah has volunteered with the Volunteer Lawyers Project of CNY, Inc.’s Eviction Defense Clinic, as an arbitrator for Syracuse City Court’s Small Claims Arbitration, with the Friends of the CanTeen, Inc., with On Point for College, and with the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central New York’s former Young Professionals Advisory Council, for which she served as a Vice Chair and Governance Committee Chair.

While at Syracuse University College of Law, Ms. Hannah was inducted into the Justinian Honorary Law Society, served as a Form & Accuracy Editor for the Syracuse Law Review and was named Editor of the Year in 2014, and received the Orange Pro Bono Service Award and the CALI Award for Law Practice Management. Her past experience includes a two-semester externship with the Hon. James P. Murphy in New York State Supreme Court, Onondaga County.

  • Insurance Defense
  • Municipal Law
  • Architects, Engineers, and Design Professionals
  • Construction Litigation and Labor Law Violations
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Trucking Litigation
  • Commercial Litigation
  • King’s College (B.S. Marketing and Business Administration, magna cum laude)
  • Syracuse University College of Law (J.D., cum laude).  
  • New York State Courts
  • U.S. District Courts for the Northern and Western Districts of New York
  • United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Proud Supporter of Make-A-Wish
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