Kelsey M. Wagner, Esq.

Kelsey M. Wagner, Esq.

Associate, Syracuse

Kelsey Wagner received her Bachelor of Arts from SUNY Geneseo in 2015, Master of Business Administration from SUNY Oswego in 2017, and Juris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law in 2022.  

At the College of Law, she was a recipient of the designation for excellence in legal writing and interned with the SUNY Office of General Counsel at Upstate Medical University. She was also a member of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, the Women’s Law Student Association, and the First-Generation Law Student Association.

Ms. Wagner previously worked as a regional healthcare administrator and held various roles within both primary and acute healthcare settings. 

She is a member of the Onondaga County Bar Association, Central New York Women’s Bar Association, New York State Bar Association, and the New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers. 

Ms. Wagner is admitted to practice before all New York State Courts. 

She resides in Vernon Center, NY.

  • Medical Malpractice Defense
  • Insurance Defense
  • General Liability Claims
  • Premises Liability Cases
  • Products Liability Claims
  • SUNY Geneseo (Bachelor of Arts) 
  • SUNY Oswego (Master of Business)
  • Syracuse University College of Law 
  • New York State Courts
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